What Meghan Markle’s Friends and Colleagues Are Saying About Those Bullying Allegations — E! Online

6 min readMar 5, 2021


As seen in a teaser for the CBS special with Oprah, Meghan herself claimed the Palace has had a hand in spreading lies about her and Prince Harrythroughout their relationship.

“I don’t know how they could expect that after all of this time we would still just be silent when there is an active role that the Firm is playing in perpetuating falsehoods about us,” the pregnant royal told the journalist in the pre-recorded clip, which was released on Wednesday, March 3.

See her peers’ reactions to the controversy below.


In an Instagram post shared on March 4, the producer and author shared, “Meg’s M.O. has always been kindness; goodwill runs in her bones. I know this to be true after 22 years of very close friendship. I have seen firsthand how she treats her friends and their families, and her colleagues. “

“If she’s driving with you in the passenger seat, she will fling her right arm in front of you at the slightest bump in a gesture of love to ensure your safety,” Lindsay continued. “If you have a specific goal, she will help you get there, and your passions will become hers on your behalf. If you ever have the pleasure of meeting Meg — and I hope more of you do — you will see the altruistic, magnanimous friend who I am so lucky to have in my corner. ⁣”

“She’s funny. Like, laugh out loud funny. And smart. She’s more than just a cover story.”

“She was this woman when we were students together at Northwestern University; she was this woman in Los Angeles when her days were spent auditioning; she was this woman living in Toronto as Rachel Zane on Suits; she was this woman before you knew she was dating Harry; she was this woman after you knew was dating Harry; she was this woman when she became Duchess of Sussex and she is still — without a doubt — this very same woman today.”


“I have known Meghan for 17 years,” the actress, who attended Meghan and Prince Harry’s wedding, tweeted. “Here’s what she is: kind, strong, open. Here’s what she’s not: ‘a bully’. ANY of us who know her, feel the same thing from her broken silence: Relief. The truth shall set you free.”

“So lemme just get this straight,” The Good Place star and acquaintance of Meghan wrote on Twitter. “The palace were fine with all of Meghan’s ‘bullying’ for years and years until a few days before they fear she may out them publicly. Seems like a legit claim…”

Jameela added, “IF THIS IS WHAT THE ROYAL FAMILY IS COMFORTABLE DOING TO A HEAVILY PREGNANT WOMAN PUBLICLY…. can we even IMAGINE what they put her through privately? They seem terrified. Her interview hasn’t even aired yet. What are they covering up? The stench of their desperation is rotten.”

The Selling Sunset star tweeted, “My timeline is very pro Meghan Markle which I love. But I just scrolled some of the comments on a news site’s post & it was almost shocking that people hate her so much. I worry about people’s sanity who can attach so much hate to someone they dont know.”

Cowan, a writer on Suits, tweeted, “It’s also possible the Duchess of Sussex is a good person thrust into an unimaginable world. Having spent 3 years working with her in her pre-Duchess days, I saw a warm, kind, caring person. I know nothing of her current situation but she gets the benefit of the doubt in my book.”

The writer and producer wrote on Twitter, “I worked on a set in Toronto when Meghan was on Suits. The ADs, PAs, and other crew on my show who had also worked with her loved her. LOVED. Set dynamics being what they are… I do not believe this bullying narrative for a microsecond.”

“Do y’all find yourselves getting mad as HELL every time they talk sideways about the Duchess Meghan?” the artist tweeted.

In response to The Times’ coverage of the alleged bullying complaints against Meghan, the star tweeted, “Sure, Jan.”


The This Is Paris podcast host recently opened up about the “cruel” and “mean” treatment she was subjected to in the ‘aughts, revealing how “painful” it was to be the butt of the joke for comedians like David Letterman and Sarah Silverman.

Following her candid confessions, Sarah, who roasted the socialite at the 2007 MTV VMAs, extended an apology on The Sarah Silverman Podcast.

“The crowd went bananas, and while I was thrilled at the success of my monologue, I remember spotting her in the audience, I really do, and I remember seeing that look on her face and my heart sank,” the comedian recalled. “There was a person under there. A couple days later I wrote her a letter apologizing, felt awful and I never heard back, I certainly wouldn’t expect to anyways.”

Now, Paris admits she never received the letter, but either way, she accepts Sarah’s apology.

“I really just appreciate it so much, and I’m glad that her comedy has grown and she realizes that it’s not nice to make fun of people. And I think everyone learns that in life,” she continues. “Sarah is hilarious, like I’ve listened to her comedy and I’ve always been a big fan. Well, before that moment, and always just thought she was so funny, but not when she’s making fun of people. I think she’s just funny when she’s just being her funny self.”

Paris adds she’s appreciative Sarah has taken the time to reflect on the jokes she’s made, not just at Paris’ expense, but in “other situations” as well.

The star even acknowledges her own missteps in life, saying, “I know where she’s coming from, because just like everyone, you know, we’ve all said things in our past that we felt bad about, we later regretted. And just, I don’t know, I think everyone is guilty of doing that.”

The socialite then recalls how she felt hearing Sarah’s apology, which she describes as shocking, because, as she put it, she’s “used to just hearing her be funny and make her jokes.”

Paris describes how she even “got a little teary eyed” when she heard that Sarah saw her in the crowd and felt bad, explaining, “I got a little emotional because I was like that’s actually really sweet because… It just didn’t seem that way. But obviously, when you’re up there doing a comedy sketch it’s not like you’re gonna be how you truly feel inside sometimes. And, yeah, I just really really want to thank you for saying that to me.”

In addition, the newly-engaged reality star adds that that she wishes she received the letter, wondering aloud, “Who did not pass me on that letter? Because I would have loved to read it.”

The 40-year-old starlet says the letter would “have just meant a lot back then,” adding that the award show has “haunted” her for years.

Even so, she tells Sarah, “Thank you so much for your apology, it means so much to me.”

And to those who are questioning whether the time has passed to reach out to that person they hurt, Paris assures, “Apologies are never too late.”

